May 6, 2023

Orleans Dogwood Parade 2023

 Thank you Billy Chaplin for helping with the float. Ruth and Greg for the autism matters sign.. We are lined up next to the blue tent by the high school waiting to start the parade.

Update: Thank you to everyone that helped to make taking part in the parade possible. The kids had fun and we got to get the new autism rate of 1 in 36 children shared over the PA system as we passed the bandstand. Thank Walmart Paoli Old National Bank for your support.
Thank Orleans Chamber of Commerce & Orleans Dogwood Festival for doing the Dogwood Festival.

Mar 14, 2023

Parent Concerns at Salem Developmental Preschool Lead to Indiana Department of Education Investigation.

Parent Concerns at Salem Developmental Preschool Lead to  Indiana Department of Education Investigation.  

Today we received the findings report from the Indiana Department of Education office of Special Education. They have found that Salem Community Schools was in violation of 511 IAC 7-36-3 but by the time of the investigation that the school implemented self-corrective measures. 

We do thank the families that came forward to share their concerns in the Salem developmental classroom. As soon as we received these concerns we started our review of facts and found that the concerns was supported. At that time our non-profit filled a report with the Indiana Department of Education requesting that they follow up with their investigation.  (Finding of that investigation are below) 

Community Inclusion Ambassadors has a area Special Education Monitoring Program and families can report concerns to the program at:
Thank you to the families that took the time to notify us of their concerns.
Patrick Underwood 
Board President & Lead Volunteer Special Education Advocate 

Community Inclusion Ambassadors Inc is a 501c3 non-profit and our works are only made possible by community support.



Dec 17, 2022

Who makes the nice list at schools ?

What safeguards was in place to ensure that students with Learning disabilities, Emotional  disabilities or other health impairments were not discriminated against as the  Jr-Sr high school principals used school resources to surprised Jr High students with a field trip to Strike and Spare for the “ Students who attended had to demonstrate good grades (or sincerely working towards proficiency), good behavior, and Senator pride.” 

Attended - Students with anxiety conditions can have school avoidance and develop physical symptoms. ( learn more about anxiety in children at  or School Avoidance  )

Good Grades-  A student with learning disabilities can be putting their full effort into learning but may still struggle with making passing grades.  Students with ADHD can be trying hard  but look to be distracted, off task or ADHD Paralysis (Learn more about ADHD Paralysis at )

Good Behaviors- Students can have Emotional Disabilities. Students with Emotional Disabilities need support’s and services to help them with quality functional behavior assessment (FBA) and  behavior intervention plan (BIP).  there needs to be staff, support staff and parent training to work together in helping the student. 

If you where a student with a disability that impacted your ability to go on trips like this how would you feel?

Dec 10, 2022

Sensory Santa 2022 Visits

Sensory Santa 2022 Visits 

A Special Thank you to Rec2photogtaphey for volunteering to be our photographer for the last 4 years.
Walmart Paoli, Old National Bank, Amazon SDF people with disabilities and give program.  Syria Christian Church, Rivers Edge Fellowship Church, Legacy Church and Community Supporters.  

Free To Be Me Respite  At Syria Christian Church Orleans, Indiana

Rivers Edge Fellowship Church in Bedford Indiana

Legacy Church in Salem, Indiana

Indiana Department of Education's investigation into North Lawrence Community Schools (NLCS)

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Community Inclusion Ambassadors Inc. Hopes for Improvements at North Lawrence Community Schools Paoli, In – 1/26/202...